Quit fighting yourself!
Winter was winding down! Green grass was getting close and soon old robin redbreast would be hopping around catching worms announcing better days ahead. And one of the things that it meant was, warm enough to sit on the front porch, hear great stories and watch all...
The cracked distributor cap
The aroma of hot biscuits, ham, and gravy woke me up. I looked out the window and couldn’t see anything but a whole lot of dark. There wasn’t a clock where I slept, so I got up and went to the gravy. Aunt Beulah knew something about making biscuits and gravy, and even...
Me and Dillard – Christmas story 1
As I remember, Christmas at Dillard’s was a big deal. Oh, it was not because there were lots of toys for all the girls and boys, because that generation hadn’t been born yet. No, Christmas was a big deal because… well Christmas is a big deal and Dillard was the real...
The timing couldn’t have been better.
The timing couldn’t have been better. It had been a long first semester. The third grade was a lot harder than Billy Conn Stokes had told me. Now both of my regular readers know my friend Billy Conn was one grade ahead of me in school and he kept me informed about...
Me and Dillard killed a big old rattlesnake…
Me and Dillard killed a big old rattlesnake….’course Dillard was the one hit it in the top of the head with a skinny pine stump, but that didn’t keep us from telling everybody we killed it. I don’t rightly know how old he was, I would have guessed something in the...